Glad You Came
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Loooooooooooooong time no see, my friends! HAHAHAHA. Okay, whatever, i am feeling hyper~
Anyway, my last post was around 2 weeks ago, and i never thought that i will actually feel weird not blogging. Hmmmmm...
SOOOOOOOO i shall begin now~ Lengthy post ALERT!
3/8/2012 Friday
That day was suppose to be our filming day (joy+me) but because i was busy looking for someone's birthday presents so we decided to give ourselves a break and just have fun shopping around orchard! :) I intended to make a scrapbook (whatever you all called it) for him, by printing out photos from the start of our relationship till now and writing down some of my thoughts. But due to time constraint, i have no choice but to continue this scrapbook thingy next time.. I did purchase 2 very cute books from SCAPE, they are pretty expensive in my opinion, ermmm, mostly because they are not necessarily that high in quality.
I went to A&F for the first time, the strong cologne scent can be smell from miles away, but it's quite nice lah, not super super overwhelming, which is awesome~ I like the overall concept of the shop as well, it's pretty cool. :)
We were having a nice time walking around orchard before it started to rain, rain heavily.. The both of us went like: Tsk, walao ehh, when we stay at home, never rain, now we come out walk walk, rain super f*king heavily. HAHAHA! We are super singlish to each other, we will always come out with new ideas on how to mix our chinese dilect - Hakka into english. Yea, we are kinda lame... It was pouring heavily, the two of us were all dressed up in our high low skirt (joy) and dress (me), running like idiots, trying hard not to get ourselves and our babies (cameraaaas) wet, dashing across the road (of course is when the green man is flashing) and finally reach CINELEISURE~~
Then we started shopping around cineleisure, and we found a super chio sunglasses that suit us both, we were so tempted to get it, but we thought we better off spend this sum of money on something more practical and something that we will always reach out to, like clothes and shoes.So yea, we skipped that. But i actually really like that pair of sunglasses coz, well, it's very hard for me to find a pair of sunglasses that suit me, most of them just look funky on me, so now you probably can imagine how tempted am i right? :)
Sadly, we didn't take much photos that day, in fact, we took none photos together. T______T Blame the rain people.
On the MRT platform! That shade is my accessories of the day (on my head, lol).
Taken at SCAPE while resting on the super cool chair! But it hurts our butt so badly. T.T
OMG, my blog feels like Joy's blog! Hahaha, coz it's always full of her photos.. :p
Okay, i did find some photos in my webcam of that day. I look funny! But it's because i was not prepare and press the snap button by accident. HAHA! :) And that's the dress that i wore that day. :)
Okay, i did find some photos in my webcam of that day. I look funny! But it's because i was not prepare and press the snap button by accident. HAHA! :) And that's the dress that i wore that day. :)
Ohya, btw that day my dad also brought back a huge ass fish tank home! HAHAHA. It's quite big and my house has very limited space, so for a short period of time, my house was in a total hot mess.
4/8/12 Saturday
Woke up at 9:30am to prepare breakfast and also myself for school. That day was the mock science practical exam for o level candidates. Ermmm, it's fairly easy and manageable, just pray hard i didn't make any careless mistake!! Ohya, the reason why i have to make breakfast for myself is because my parents and sister went to Penang to attend a relative's wedding. :) Before going to school, i decided to surprise hanlin with "post-it", since his practical shift is earlier than mine and i asked him to come to my house after his exam the day before. :) So basically, my surprise for him is very simple, first i come out with a sentence for him (a short one) then i write the alphabets down each on a post-it, and paste the post-it at many different places in my house. Lastly, i write an instruction on the whiteboard at my room because hanlin is so dumb that he might take those post-it as some important messages that my mum left for me before she went to the airport. (shhhhhhhh... :p)
But unfortunately, thing doesn't go smoothly that day. After my mock science practical exam, i phoned hanlin and asked him where is him now and of course i was expecting him to say: Thank you baby, i love you! I saw your surprise already! <3<3<3. But in fact, he told me that he went to have breakfast with his friends. :( It was raining heavily that day, again, so after much miscommunication on where to meet, we finally found each other and walked home together. God knows how much i want him to discover the surprise by himself, so i told him that i am going to the mama shop and buy some snacks home, and so i asked him to go off first. :) Then thing starts to go in the way that i have expected it to be. So he discover the surprise by himself, but he didn't sweet talk to me. :( When i reached home, he said to me: Baby, all so easy to find uhh? LOLOLOLOLOLOL! I went crazy, haha! His response is so not what i have imagined. However, he can't find 2 of the post-it, so after giving him much hints, he finally found them.
With him, even the tiniest details become my most memorable memories. <3<3
I watched Olympic 2012 for the whole day! HAHAHA, didn't even complete 1/4 of my homework, or should i say i didnt even plan to start doing my homework and revision. :p I watched "Race to Witch Mountain" on that night at channel 5 also! A nice movie, super interesting!! :D It is about aliens, outer space and their relationship with humans. However, if you are not a fans of "alien" or you think that those rumors about aliens are lame, then i recommend you not to watch it. But i have to say that i am a strong believer of the existence of aliens, and i am very interested in knowing more about them as well. I love to read books about aliens and stuff, call me lame for all i care, i just really like it. :) Opps, going slightly off tracked. :p
Anyway, sunday night, a BIG part of me died, well, all my close friends should know... My beloved Lee Chong Wei lose to Lin Dan in the Olympic tournament. D; and this is actually his last career game, and there are no confirmation that whether he will postpone his retirement to slightly later or not. So, as a 100% Malaysian, i feel so sad for him, and people should not support him just for the sake of free ice-cream and holiday in Malaysia.. He is our pride!! We should support him with our whole not just for benefits.. Okay, i should really stop rambling about all these.. People will probably get annoyed by me. :) But lastly, i would like to say a big thank you to Lee Chong Wei, even though i am sure that you will never come across this post of mine, but i just really want to thank you for all you have done for Malaysia. You brought all the fellow Malaysian all over globe together, you unite us all. :) *bow*
7/8/2012 Tuesday
Tuesday is happy day! Coz there is no excel lesson on Tuesday~ HAPPYYYYY HAPPYYYY. I went to Jeremy's house together with Joy, Tek Cong and Zheng Yu to bake! :) Originally, i wanted a bake a blue gradient cake but when i went to the "shop and save" at Vista Point, they do not sell the 2 main ingredients that i need, which are angel cake mix and blue coloring. What the hell right. :( So i went online to look for the angel cake mix recipe, instead of buying the cake mix, now i will have to start making the flour mix by myself from scratch. Luckily, the recipe isn't too complex at all. :) So instead of blue coloring, i went with what jeremy's house has already owned, which is a green (color) pandan (flavor) coloring/flavouring gel. From a blue gradient cake, i change to green gradient cake. Instead of using cream to bind the different layers together, i used nutella, not just does it helps to bind the cake together, it also helps to give the cake a nice chocolate taste. :) Many thanks to Jeremy's mum, who helped me to do most of the steps, and all i am left to do is just to stand there and look around. :p
After the cake is being nicely and securely layered, i then bringing it home together with my heavy school bag and other baking stuffs. D; Once i reached home, i started to decorate the cake. But holy shit, i overbeat my whipping cream and it can't be use anymore, now i have to make another trip down to the "shop and save" at admiralty and get myself another packet of whipping cream. I was freaking hell tired, but haisssss i have no choice but to drag myself out again.. At the same time i also went and get my photos print out for the fanboard that i have been making for baby since sunday.
The general look of the fans board!
After i got homed from Admiralty, i start all the tedious process again, i went to wash my mixer and start beating my whipping cream till it foam up just a little. I AM SUPER WORRY THAT I MIGHT OVERBEAT IT AGAIN, and all my money and effort will just gone to waste. The second try was more suceesful than the first one, but when i start spreading the cream over the cake, the cream was way too runny and thin, i had a hard time applying it on and my working table was super messy and greasy. Bad time bad time.. :( After i've done putting cream the all over the cake, i throw it into my fridge immediately! hahahaha. :D So ya, i am god damn tired, and so after i took shower, i went bed immediately. :)
8/8/12 Wednesday
People today is the day, today is BAYHANLIN's 17th BIRTHDAY!! <3<3<3 So here, i'm gonna sing him a bithday song before i start talking about what happened that day! :)
Happy birthday to you! ;)
Happy birthday to you! :)
Happy birthday to hubby! :D
Happy birthday to you~ <3
So that day was the National Day Celebration in my school, it's actually quite boring and yea.... Just very boring! But the good thing is that, we get to go home earlier at around 11:30am! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :D Which means, i have got more time on my hand to prepare baby's present for his birthday party later~
I went home straight away after the school celebration, i thought i would slack and even take a nap first before i start to do touch ups on his presents but i didn't! So around of applause to Chong Siow Qi~ And for baby, if you're reading all these, i hope you love me more and more each day okay? *wink wink*
I bought a pretty box from DAISO and i filled it up with bubble wrap, i put my first present for him at the bottom, which is one of the photos that i have printed the day before, so that he can't see them easily! And of course, i bought a photo frame to go along with it as well! *duhhhhhhh*
I made him a "fans board" as well as giving him a mini fridge, he has been wanting something like this for the longest time! Lol, he is weird. :D
Yeap, so this is how the fans board actually looks like once it is done! :D
I am super happy with it! <3
Yea, this is a cute ass mini fridge. :)
Also, a rainbow cake for him! But after i took the cake out from my fridge, i was shocked! The cream that i put on yesterday are dried up and leaving crack on the surface which make the cake looking super unflattering and ugly (not that they are that flattering to start off with, but oh well..) ! So i gave my BFF - Joy a phone call, i asked her to help me buy whip cream, those ready-made ones. I give her a BIG THUMB UP! <3 She is super efficient when it comes to friends, yea, that shows how much she cares for her friends, especially friends like me! ;p So, again, Joy, if you are reading this, i just want to tell you that I LOVE YOUUUU! You're my best-est friend ever. Muack! :D
Joy came to my house together with Alvin and Fucheng! They are goooood, coz initially, i told them to come to my house earlier before going off to Hanlin's house, because i wanna make a video collage for hanlin, but none of them listen.. which make me super disappointed.. But anyway, after we settled down, i start to decorate the cake again, when the whip cream is being pumped out from the bottle, they are fairly stiff, but once they are spread, they melted off and became really runny. But, hais, we have no choice but to deal with it, because at least this whip cream is tastier and sweeter and nicer than the previous one, which is gooooood! :D Then we sprinkle some rainbow rice on the top of the cake. Hell yeah, the cake instantly looking much nicer and more appealing! Hahahaha~ And again, we throw the cake back into the fridge to sort of trying to harden the whip cream that we have just applied to make it less runny. While the cake is chilling in the fridge, the four of us just slack around, eat and take pictures of joy (?!) haha! Then at around 4;10pm, we start to get going to baby's house. We were so worry that the cream will be totally melt off, but heng ahhhh, it doesn't!
Stepping into hanlin's house, tons of them are already there, playing.. Then i quickly went to hide the presents at different places of his house so that he can have a mini treasure hunt in his own home. :) It went on rather smoothly and everything was pretty under control *yay*. And ya, he did go around his house and look for his presents. :) It was quite entertaining for me to see him like this. :p
What we did that day was to eat, and eat, and play and playyyyy. PS3, mahjong, card games and computers are there to entertain us. :) It's a shame for me to say that, but i slept through 1/4 of the party, and yes, i was that tired, don't judge!
First photo of the day! <3<3<3
Baby's mum bought for him this cake!
I made for him this! :D
We borrowed some strawberries to decorate my cake! :p
The gradient! :D
Going out to take group photo!

9/8/2012 Thursday
I reached home around 1am plus, close to 2am on wednesday. When i woke up the next morning, it was already 12pm plus closer to 1pm. Hanlin went out with his family to visit his relatives, Joy went ice skating with her friends. But thankfully, Jasmine came to my house, because both of us were super bored at home on National Day. Hahahahaha! I have an super enjoyable day with her chit chatting and she even suggested some video ideas for my combined youtube account with Joy. :D Thanks thanks! She is so sweet that she even bought some snacks before coming to my house! Hahahaha~ We have decided to learn a kpop dance together -------- Flashback by After School. <-- Just click here, it will link you to the video. :) It is gonna be fun and Joy and Jasmine have yet to meet each other, i hope they can become good friends ~ I pray hard that i can learn the dance well!! Because finally we decided to make a video together like what Jasmine said. :)
Ohya, and on that day after baby went out with his mum, he got a new phone for his birthday! Yayyyyyness~ He got an iphone 4s which makes me so jealous! Hahaha, because the megapixels for 4s is better than iphone 4. :< But he damn happy lah~ Now the iphone is like his wife. Iphone replaces me. :( But i am still super happy for him, he has been wanting to own an iphone for so long! :) Dreams come true. :)
10/8/2012 Friday
Hi all, supposedly there's dnt extra lesson today for hanlin, but my genius boyfriend woke up at around 1pm and decided to skip it and went to play badminton with me and his group of friends. It was funnnnnnn, i can't say how much i love badminton even though i might not be super good at it but i love badminton! Party also because i have been supporting Lee Chong Wei since i was younger, so all these eventually influenced me and helps me to develop a strong love for badminton. After playing in the indoor court near Admiralty, noob baby and i went to an indoor place near my house to play again. :) Awesome time. :) Hahahah, and we took some photos as well! <3
Ohya, btw when i reached home after playing badminton, i saw my mum awkwardly approaching the both of us (me and hanlin) with her apron on and her frying slice on her hand, telling us that she haven't started cooking yet, even though it's already 6:45pm. When we asked her why, and her reply was damn cuteeee! <3 She said: I haven't start cooking yet coz after papa brought the fish home, i was talking to them non stop. HOW CUTE RIGHT! And the "them" here is referring to the fishes.. Hahahaha!
11/8/2012 Saturday
That day supposedly was my study day with baby but i have lost my momentum in studying so yea, another unproductive day as usual. We went to yishun and have japanese curry rice then we head off to Golden Village and catch 'Total Recall'. It was a nice movie, but the storyline is quite confusing, and after the movie has ended, i am still having tons of question in my head about the characters, hahahaha, but i guess it's just me. :) Since this is a rather recent movie, i am not gonna be a spoiler and tell you guys everything. :p But it is a very nice movie, go and watch it yourself!! :D
The theater of Yishun GV is so small, lol, it's almost like a family theater that some caucasian families' have in the own house. But it's quite cozy and relaxing there. We smuggle Mcdonalds' Horlick ice-cream and 2 cheeseburgers in. We were like having a picnic inside the movie theater, we have ice-cream, burgers, popcorns and drinks!
We went home straight away after the movie, coz it's quite late already, then he slack at my house to watch Olympic, at around 10:30pm he headed home.
He was playing League of Legend and i was busy coming out with this post. So we use computer till around 1:10am then he said he was hungry and asked me whether i would like to go and have Mcdonalds' with him. and of course, i have to say yes, if not he will most probably head off to Admiralty by himself to get some food. :) We ate there, chit chatting there till around 3am then we went home and sleep~ WE ARE FAT PIGS. :)
When we are in the movie theater!
I LOVE CAP! LOVE LOVE LOVE CAP, i wanna get more! But after baby's birthday, i'm super broke. D;
We love to study with timer on! :)
Baby's mum got him a new casing from MERCURY! So nice i also want one.. :p
Just looooook at those shimmer!
Mine also not bad luh~
Our wallpaper! :)
Hi everyone, I'm blurboiboi95.
I will update you guys next time! And sorry for this lengthy post. :p Byeeeeee, have a great day ahead people! <3
Have a great day ahead! ♥
Have a great day ahead! ♥