First Video ~

Monday, July 23, 2012

HELLO! I'M BACK AGAIN WITH ANOTHER BLOGPOST! :) So today, i'm going to share with you guys about my very first experience in filming a video!! Shocked??? HAHAHA!

About 2-3 weeks ago, when i was chatting with my best friend - Joy. We were talking about how we want our life to be just little more extraordinary and different from others. And when we were sharing our thoughts to each other, we found out that both of us actually have a common dream, and that is, to be a youtuber.

However, fame is not exactly what we wanted, all we want is to have medium where we can share our life, thoughts and feelings to people!! Although there're so many different ways that we can express ourselves, for example blogpost, twitter, instagram and facebook, we just feel like being a little more daring and that's why we chose youtube! :)

We want to be able to look back at our life after 10 years time, and laugh at how silly we were!

And so, we decided to give youtube a try! Last friday is our first official filming day, it was quite a cool experience as i have never try talking to a camera and filming myself down before. And you know what, filming a video is not an easy task as by having two cameras with professional-looking tripods in front of you can really make you super stressed out and get tongue-tied on an unreasonable rate.

So here's the photo of our camera setup!

And obviously, my camera is not on my tripod coz i'm using it to take this photo. LOL! 

Ohya, btw i will link our silly video down below, so if you are interested, pls take a look at it. :) The quality of the video did not quite meet our expectation. We did film the video using a DSLR (Joy's) , but somehow the quality of the video is just not so up to standard yet. I guess, we will have to work on the settings so as to improve the quality of the video. We will try to figure it out as soon as we can. We thought of using my camera to film, but i totally forgot to bring my charger with me, so after Racial Harmony Celebration in my school, my camera went battery flat and only able to take a few pictures. 

And again, i apology for the blurry video as we just can't get the camera to focus, so bear with us! I swear we will make sure that the next video of us is gonna be in a better quality!!

Guys, do show us your support, and comment on where we can improve, we need your advices! Hahaha~~

Anyway, on our first filming day, it was also Racial Harmony Day so i did take quite a lot of pictures with my friends and teachers. So, and again if you are interested, you can take a look at them just by clicking the link! Racial Harmony Day Photos

I thought it will be nice to include some of my fave RHD photos here! :D








AND LASTLY, some photos that i took after filming! :D

Just being vain... hahaha

Things that lay around the room.




OUR BAGS, damn freaking heavy... D;

Our Answers
Joy's answers for my questions!

My answers for joy's questions!

Our books.


So that is all for today! :D Hope you like this post of mine, talk to you guys soon! Byeeeee. :D

Have a great day ahead! 

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