32 Questions Get to Know Me Tag!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Sorry, for didn't update my blog for soooooo longggggg! Hehehe, so today, i am just gonna update my blog with this 32 questions tag post! Hope you guys dont mind. :p

OHYA, and i tag everyone to do this tag on their blog as well! :)

1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
YES VERY!! It makes me think that they are very caring, shy and sincere as well! :)

2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
I will choose short party dress because i always think that i can't pull off those princess-y, girly clothing.

3. Are diamonds a girl's best friend?
Not really. I always believe that there must be a story behind every jewelry, and those stories are what makes a jewelry more valuable than just its marketed value.

I received a necklace from my boyfriend as a xmas present last year, when we were only 16. The pendent is beautiful, it has 2 hearts joined together as 1 pendent and the hearts are decorated with some crusted diamond. He used his first salary to buy that necklace for me from gold heart, the necklace means a world to me as it shows how much he cherishes our relationship.

4. Is your hair up or down today?
My hair is being tied up into a messy bun!

5. Do you straighten your hair?
I used to, but now i don't because nowadays my hair is so dry! D;

6. Favorite mascara?
Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus!

7. Do you get your nails done?

8. Small or large bag?
I used to love oversize bag, but now i prefer smaller ones as they are more lightweight and i really don't carry that much stuff when i'm out.

9. Jeans or sweats?
Sweats, of course!

10. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable?
Depends, but most of the time i don't! Unless i'm going to a formal event. :)

11. Do you text message a lot?
No, i prefer phone call.

12. Whats your favorite color?
Dark colours, green and red!

13. Heels or flats?

14. Would you ever leave the house without makeup on?
Yes, duhhhhhh~ If not i wear make up to school ahh...

15. Isotonic drinks or plain water?
Plain water or GREEN TEAAAAAA! :D

16. Do you think lip gloss is the best?
Nope, i am more like a lipstick or lip tint person. :)

17. Do you own any big sunglasses?
No, it's super hard for me to find a pair of sunglasses that looks nice on me, not to mention a big one..

18. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
For school, max is 15 minutes.
For going out, min 30 minutes. :p

19. Gold or silver?

20. Do you like to wear dresses?
Yes!! But i only own a few dresses only.. :(

21. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?
YUP, with my beloved BAY HAN LIN! <3<3<3

22. Do you like to hold hands?
YES YES YES! Hanlin and I are always holding hands!  <3

23. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
Appearance wise is their hair.
Character wise is their sense of humour or whether do they feel comfortable around me.

24. Do you like making eye contact?
Errrrr, not really.. It can be kinda creepy or awkward!

25. Would you kill for chocolate?
Nope, i dont crave for chocolate often, but if i do, i can't stop myself down. :p

26. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?
7 to 8!

27. Do you yell a lot?
Nope, not really~

28. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?
Of course NOOO! Manners manners

29. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?
NO, dress my age and dress my style.

30. What makeup could you not live without?
For this, i am gonna cheat by choosing more than one! :p
1. foundation 2. red lipstick 3. brow pencil 4. black eyeliner

31. Do you fall in love easily?
In general, I would sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yes, as long as the person is being sweet and thoughtful to me,
and me only. But for now, no, because i love my boyfriend. :)

32. Do you have cramps?

Thanks for reading!

Have a great day ahead! 

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